Insight expands chain support

We're excited to announce that thirdweb Insight has expanded its blockchain data querying capabilities with support for 43 chains, including these 15 new chains:
- Polygon mainnet
- Polygon Amoy testnet
- Optimism mainnet
- OP Sepolia testnet
- Celo mainnet
- Ancient8 mainnet
- Ancient8 testnet
- Plume mainnet
- Plume testnet
- Avalanche Fuji testnet
- Superposition testnet
- Etherlink testnet
- Mantle Sepolia testnet
- XAI testnet
- Lumia testnet
What This Means For Developers
With these additions, you can now use all of Insight's powerful features across these new chains:
- Query on-chain events with the Events Blueprint
- Track transactions with the Transactions Blueprint
- Monitor token balances (ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1155) with the Tokens Blueprint
For example, to query latest events on Optimism
Replace <client-id> with your thirdweb client ID
View All Supported Chains
For a complete list of supported chains and their respective chain IDs, check theĀ thirdweb chainlist.