.NET/Unity - Account Unlinking, EIP-7702 Experiment & Various Utils & New APIs

Adds the ability to Unlink a LinkedAccount
from your In-App or Ecosystem Wallet.
EIP-7702 Integration (Experimental)
Integrates authorizationList
for any transactions.
This EIP essentially allows you to set code to an EOA, unlocking a world of possibilities to enhance their functionality.
The best way to understand it outside of reading the EIP is looking at the example below; to preface it: we sign an authorization using the wallet we want to set code to. Another wallet sends a transaction with said authorization passed in, essentially activating it. The authority wallet now has code set to it pointing to an (insecure) Delegation contract in this case, which allows any wallet to execute any call through it on behalf of the authority. In this example, we call the wallet executing both the authorization and the claim transaction afterwards, the exectuor.
An authority may execute its own authorization, the only difference is internal whereby the authorization nonce is incremented by 1.
Note that for the time being this only works on 7702-enabled chains such as Odyssey and the feature has only been integrated with PrivateKeyWallet
Adds the ability to retrieve auth provider specific user information from In-App and Ecosystem Wallets.
Other additions
is now part of the mainIThirdwebWallet
interface. Smart Wallets now attempt to switch the underlying admin network automatically as well.ERC721_TotalSupply
extension now includes burned NFTs when using thirdweb contracts, allowing forERC721_GetAll
functions to return said NFTs as well.- Various new utilities for conversions and transaction decoding, including decoding
Full Changelog: https://github.com/thirdweb-dev/dotnet/compare/v2.11.1...v2.12.0